How to spread loving-kindness and make it work
A teacher who had experienced a swarm, she and her students were saved because of the loving-kindness spreading. How can you do to spread loving-kindness and make it work!
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. How to change this erroneous core value?
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. I would like to ask Luang Phor how to change this erroneous core value?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Dhamma Practice (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Sixteen :- Dhamma Practice.
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 1
He grew up in a perfect family. He was taught to have discipline and moral principles. He quite succeeded in his study and career. His life went into a politics and got many important positions in politics, such as minister in the prime minister’s office. People respected him as a “political advisor”
Basic Meditation Method
Relaxation is the heart of meditation, and it has to go hand in hand with mindfulness, no matter which meditation technigue we apply. This is the main principle that we should take into account.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Generosity (6)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fifteen :- Generosity.
Why we have to study the Blessings?
There is one interesting point of life. Only studying a lot to achieve great intelligence in order to have a good job and to earn a lot o9f money is not enough to be born as a human being
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”?
What is the definitive meaning to the saying “Good deeds brings wholesome results and bad deeds produce retribution”? Luangphaw can you please help clarify this for me because people nowadays believe that doing good deeds does not necessary lead to good results. However, they believe that misdeeds can yield benefits. What has led them to think in this way?
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one s mind
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one’s mind.
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ถ่ายทอดสด งานบุญจากในพื้นที่ สู่สายตาผู้มีบุญทางบ้านเพื่อให้ได้รับชม และอนุโมทนาบุญร่วมกัน